Nelson Mandela

The Nation, Nigeria | Writers Celebrate Mandela | Article by Ozolua Uhakheme

The life and times of the iconic former President of South Africa, the late Nelson Mandela, will be the focus of this month’s Guest Writer Session holding on Saturday at Nanet Suites, Central Business District, Abuja.

The session, being organised by Abuja Writers Forum, will feature poems, short stories, music, and talk on contemporary South African literature to commemorate the late Mandela. It is an extension of the Nelson Mandela Day celebration.

According to a statement by the forum, signed by Edith Yassin, writers expected to feature at the special session include Nkemneme Andy Chukwunonye, Kukogo Iruesiri Sampson, Margaret Hepworth and Dave Adzer...

MargaretHepworth is an Australian author, educator and facilitator. She had to receive permission from the Nelson Mandela Foundation in South Africa to use Mandela as a fictional character in her novel, Clarity In Time. While he is a pivotal character, the novel tells the story of a young Australian teacher who comes to understand that it is no longer enough to be a by-stander; that we all need to take mindful action.

Nelson Mandela, according to Hepworth, has been a role model to all. As an educator, she refers to stories of Mandela in her peace building workshops to teach young people about the choices that our world leaders can make – for reconciliation and forgiveness. She paraphrases Mandela to encourage young people to rise above their own expectations of themselves.

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Nelson Mandela Foundation grants Australian author permission to use Nelson Mandela as fictional character

Nelson Mandela Foundation grants Australian author permission to use Nelson Mandela as fictional character. MELBOURNE, Australia – Author and educator Margaret Hepworth has been granted permission to use Nelson Mandela as a key fictional character in her novel Clarity in Time (published by Balboa Press). Her novel is now housed in the Nelson Mandela Foundation's Resource Centre.

Clarity In Time Book Review: The Dan O'Brien Project

Nelson Mandela sits in full-fledged discussion in a barren prison cell - Robben Island 1972. His counterpart, the still youthful Dirk Kortella, his Afrikaner jailer, a product of his system. Mandela speaks of meaning through language, love, humanity and Almost Impossible Thoughts. Kortella listens. Yet this fictional novel, Clarity in Time, isn’t Mandela’s story. Rather it is the story of the ‘interested bystander’ - those among us who read the newspapers over breakfast, stamp our feet at the evening news in the comfort of our lounge-rooms, share these same concerned discussions with our friends and loved ones over our dining room tables, yet don’t know how to move our thoughts into action – beyond the confines of our own four walls.

Nelson Mandela Foundation grants Australian author permission to use Mandela as fictional character

Permission has been granted by the Nelson Mandela Foundation of South Africa to use Mandela as a fictional character, as well as permission from Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to use controversial Captain Paul Watson in a cameo vignette. The de Bono Institute of Australia has allowed Hepworth to reference the theories of creative thinker, Edward de Bono.